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Harrison Richman, known by most as Barris Fishman, is a Brooklyn-based DJ/Producer who specializes in house music.
His love and affinity for the scene is longstanding and evident in each of his original productions as well as his DJ sets. Whilst consistently straddling the line between deep house, jackin' house, and tech house, he is able to cultivate a sound that catches people's attention and is truly unique.
From a young age, Harrison had an instant connection with electronic music. Whether it was enjoying breakbeat video game soundtracks, or downloading club tracks both new and old, the obsession was always there. This led to him picking up DJ gigs in college and making a name for himself in the local Connecticut scene.
After beginning to release music back in 2019, his songs were picked up by multiple labels for release, and since then, he has shown no sign of slowing down. As someone with a brain full of ideas and an ear to the ground, Barris Fishman certainly has more to come!
Take Flight
Original Mix (6:38)
Pre-order for 2024-06-07
Original Mix (5:41)
Pre-order for 2024-06-07

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