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Introducing himself by TIAGOBRITO as an artistic persona and born on November 6, 1999 in Benguela, Angola with current residency in London, UK, Tiago Emanuel Vasconcelos de Brito, is a Dj/Producer of Angolan descent, who lives and breathes culture of House-Music.

He started his career at the age of 9 where he took his first steps in the world of Diing by encouraging the lifestyle frequented by his parents, since they worked at the popular nightclub (at the time) called “Discoteca Escondidinho” in Benguela , Angola, the position of owners/entrepreneurs.

He started playing professionally at the age of 14 having worked at various nightclubs, namely, Tchirinawa (Benguela), DomQ (Benguela), Escondidinho (Benguela) and also had the opportunity to work with renowned national producers such as “Delcio Bacas (Bacas Conexões) ). He also had a brief tour of Europe where he played in London and Portugal on the production of the event producer (Dcrowneventz).

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