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Marc White, the prolific German DJ and music producer, ignited his musical journey at the age of 18. Since 2020, he has been crafting captivating tracks and making a significant impact on the electronic music scene.

With releases on esteemed labels like Let There Be House, Spa Club, Yesenia, and Blockhead Records, Marc has showcased his talent and dedication. His single 'Together' soared to #69 on another download site's House Charts and #21 on the Nu Disco Charts.

In 2022, Marc White clinched victory in the DJ Contest at the Electronic Festival Tante Mia Tanzt, earning him coveted slots at both the Tante Mia Tanzt Festival and the Beach Fever Festival in the same year.

Marc's music transcends boundaries, blending electronic, house, and nu-disco elements. He continues to push genre limits and represent the vibrant German electronic music scene.

Marc White is an emerging artist worth keeping an eye on, with more groundbreaking releases on the horizon. His music speaks the universal language of rhythm and melody.
Whats Molly
Bump The Soul Instrumental (3:56)
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Marc White Straight Forward Mix (5:51)
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Marc White Straight Forward Radio Mix (2:09)

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